Sunday, 2 January 2011

under the shadow of a pine tree

she plants love
waits for the roots to go deep down
when a bud shoots up
she searches for more

she digs deeper
finds her crumpled up list.
of resolutions that she had made long time ago
she can't talk much.

tiny leaves from that seeds of love
might right her flawed patience
she appears calmed on the surface
but a typhoon goes on and on

under the shadow of a pine tree, 
her love can be nurtured
with an embrace painted with feeling
while she watches her transient feet

"winds cannot blow anything away if roots are firm"


Wish you all a very Happy New Year. May your muse be always kind and let your words flow and spill over!!


  1. This was truly resonated with me! I will have to go read this several more times. Beautiful.

  2. I agree with Sherri! Really thought provoking!

  3. That first line pulled me right in! Great images. Happy New Year to you, too!

  4. This was a lovely, original take on the prompt. Your words pulled me along and made me think. Beautifully written. Kat

  5. Good roots are important! Beautiful poetry. I agree with the other commenters. You pull the reader into your text.
    Clever use of the prompt.
    Happy New Year!
    Anna's SC#35

  6. How wonderful How wonderful How wonderful

    Please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  7. Terrific, as usual! Your New Year writing is off to a fine start...

  8. ..the typhoon goes on and on.... yes, it does doesn't it...

  9. "She plants Love"...that is the proper way to start a New Year. I wish you much happiness for 2011.

  10. Bravo!

    So lovely and so many layers to this one. And I see many different ways this poem can be interpreted. For me, I am struck by the thought that we are made stronger when, in those moments of being in the deep, dark shadows that are a part of every life, we allow ourselves to be embraced by God. For those embraces are indeed nurturing and give rise to the fortitude necessary to continue planting those seeds of love!

    Keep on sowing those seeds my dear!

  11. This is such a wonderful poem. Must agree that there are several layers here. I love them all.

  12. That was just lovely Gautami. Most of us are like this...

    Happy New Year!

  13. smart word...

    Greetings! How are you?

    I invite you to become a participant at Thursday Poets Rally Week 36… you have until thisWednesday to make a minimum 18 comments among participants.

    Enter your entry here if you are ready

    Hope to see you in, Happy Monday, best wishes for the year of 2011.
    Bless you…


  14. Beautifully written. I love your poetry. Good Centus.

  15. "tiny leaves from that seeds of love
    might right her flawed patience
    she appears calmed on the surface
    but a typhoon goes on and on"

    so true for me right now-and I love the last line- very powerful~ Happy New Year!

  16. Lovely poem. The last line is perfect!


  17. "winds cannot blow anything away if roots are firm" - I love that! :-)

  18. Yep, it's good to sink those roots deep.

    Nice job!


  19. That was really lovely. You really do have a wonderful way with words!

  20. This was wonderful.

    I am going to challenge myself to write a poem around the challenge. I know I will come nowhere close to your amazing way with words, but I totally want to try!

    Thanks for sharing this excellent use of the prompt.

    Your words always resonate with me.
