Sunday, 23 January 2011

celestial playground

walking on the quagmire
I hold on to the sky.
I am afraid to fall down
but moon lets me hold its hand
and stars play with me

"eternity is much too soon for me"

Update on 24th Jan, 2011: I wasn't aware that what I wrote here is in a way, is some sort of sign for me. I seem to be in an emotionally/mentally exhausted state. So closing my poetry for now. Dunno when I will get back. It might be after one day, three days, few weeks, a month or months. But I will be back. Renewal is the key. As always. Please bear with me if I am unable to visit you.


  1. You surely create music in your poetry.

  2. 'Holding the moon's hand' - just gorgeous - and hope for us all that there is something bigger looking after us..Jae

  3. "I hold on to the sky."
    Difficult to achieve but worth trying...

  4. Lovely verse--- it seems you and me and Brian are doing a three part harmony. Now I must go and grab the moon' hand --- nothing like a bit of whimsy and flight of fancy to begin and end the day.


  5. Beautiful verse. I, too, love the holding moon's hand reference. Thanks for being a part of the Sunday 160.

  6. I love this sweet little tale of your personal celestial playground, Gautami. Thank you.

  7. So sorry that the quagmire is holding you down but you have the right idea to look up and reach for the sky.

  8. Hold on tight! We don't want to lose you just yet!

  9. Eternity is much too soon for us when the moon and stars are so friendly. I felt the fantasy in this one.

  10. smiles. a little help from the heavens is not a bad thing at all...

  11. Love the whimsy, Gautami. I could see you skipping along holding hands with the moon. Thank you for this one,


  12. Magical! And the final comment on eternity opens a challenge for conventional thoughts!

  13. Love the imagery in this. Beautiful!

  14. Concise and beautiful Gautami.

  15. Lovely images, I like the ethereal feel of the poem.

  16. What a beautiful vision you create! I really like this one.

  17. Very good indeed. Touching, and with concise imagery.

  18. A glorious playground - love the concept of this piece!

  19. I hope things are all okay; and wish you the best!

    I can understand the emotional and mental exhaustion; though I understand it is different and personal with each of us.

    Sending good wishes our way! And, will await your return, because you will be missed; and you are great!

    Take care (hugs)

  20. a good place to play when the world overwhelms.. dear g, may fortune be with you as you pass thru a time of renewal and rest... with a thousand keys to pick from....

  21. Moon , Stars , Sky , flowers, butterlies, rainbow, trees --- friendship with them never let me get in to a quagmire; you have captured it so well-- we will wait for your return Gautami!
