Thursday 30 April 2009

New book reviewing blog: everything distils into reading

Most of you are aware that I have lost my Reading Room blog to Malware. I have tried to get help from google/blogger but no one is responding at the help forum. Hope I get it back but I am not very sure about that. Meanwhile, I have started this new blog, slowly retrieving data from google reader.

everything distils into reading

First, I will retrieve the book reviews as well short stories reviews. Then I will see about getting around other posts. And also links/blogrolls. As I have most of you on my google reader, that won't be a problem.

Please help spread word about this blog to all those you know, by the way of emails or in you blogs. Any help in that direction would be appreciated greatly. And can anyone help me find a 3 column template?


My email id: gautami.tripathy[at]
everything distils into reading


  1. That's a bummer that you lost that site as you have reviewed so many books--good luck at getting it back together--I'll post it on my blog.

  2. I heard about this through the book realm and just wanted to pop in to say how sorry I am. I downloaded my posts (Blogger backup) but it seems to be a bit wonky also and I don't really trust it anymore. Your sad ordeal has left me wondering about saving every post as a word document....

    Anyways, hope things somehow manage to turn around and Blogger is able to help (HA! - not holding my breath).

  3. Girl, I've got an update set to go on monday with my mailbox to direct everyone to your new blog. I hope that helps. I'm glad you decided to start a new one.
