I am all for it. I am joining this movement from now onwards. Frankly tell me, how many spam comments do you really get? I don't have word verification, neither do I have comment moderation. And truthfully I do not get spams. If I do, those are very rare and in between. I delete those instantly. So what is the big deal? So come shake it, folks! We need hassle-free blogging, i.e, commenting forum. Don't we?
I hate it even more when blogs have word verification along with comment moderation. I think that is being paranoid. However, many bloggers do not know that they have word verification as it can't be seen by blog authors.
If you have it and don't know it, then you should do the following steps:
Go to dashboard---->Click settings---->Click comments----->Scroll down to Show word verification for comments?----->Click No---->Click Save Settings and you are done!
Help spread the word about this movement:
Write a blog post about this and make use of the button. Down with useless typing!!
Feel free to voice your thoughts here. Be nice about it though!
awesome!!!!! Thanks for spreading the word, getting rid of word verification will benefit us all for sure :) Thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteBravo - I think this is a wonderful idea! I got rid of comment moderation fairly early on but I do still have word verification. But I don't want it. I know it's annoying, but I stil worry that it might be doing some good. I'm trying to work up to getting rid of it. And it is a hassel on other's blogs. You get it wrong and you get a new one, but, being dyslexic, that's a regular occurance for me. I think 4tries is my personal best so far. So, after reading your inspiring post, am I going to take mine off? Well...I just might. Yup, I might. Okay I will. Soon. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Mygoodness, there are some sites where it takes me three or four attempts to comment. If I didn't really like their content, I would just give up. I imagine quite a few people do just give up.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever typed in a really long comment, filled in the word verification field, hit "submit", then had another, longer word verification field pop up? It always makes me wonder if I messed up typing the first one. Blargh.
Good luck with the movement! Way to shake things up!
I have verification on some of my blogs but not on others. I DO GET SPAM though not excessively. The absolute essential is to have email notification of comments so that you can quickly deal with any spam that does occur.
ReplyDeletehaving verification AND moderation is a bit overkill although there are cases where I can understand why people have both.
My main gripe is not so much with the system itself as with the long words and difficult fonts used by blogger. 6 letters is long enough and some of the fonts are extremely difficult to distinguish letters like U and V or I and J even G and Q or M and RN look almost the same.
Enjoy your Computer generated comments and viral Spam.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Don Coppens has a sense of humor (or is trying to make a point). I’m with you on this one. Word verification seems like a waste of time & energy to me. I’ve not had word verification or comment moderation on any of my blogs. The spam I get is minimal and occurs rarely. It’s easily remedied as well because I get email notifications of comments … so when spam comes through, I just click on the link and delete it quickly. I’ve saved the logo and will pass it along as time permits.
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings,
I use it on and off..I have been bombarded with spam at different times..at one time enough to jam my comment box..so at the first sign the verification goes back on
ReplyDeleteSure, there's merit in preventing spam, but mostly word verification is pretty pesky,so thanks, gautami for writing this.
ReplyDeletealthough this tip is nice but there are really blogs that are prone to spammers so word verification for them is a must.
ReplyDeletemy hot is posted. hope you can drop by.
But I kind of like the math ones.
ReplyDelete"What is the sum of nine plus two?"
It's really the first forum where I've felt truly competent at mathematics.
You GOT ME Gautami!
ReplyDeleteThis evening we had our friend from India over for her Birthday celebration, and she told me how to pronouce your name. I'll make sure to tell Chris because we've been calling you Gottammy for 3 years!
guilty on both counts unfortunately. :O
ReplyDeletei do wish i could instead make use of the captcha system which uses word verification to make digital copies of old texts. at least that way, it could also do some public good.
I'm not as pissed off by word verification as most of your comments show.
ReplyDeleteMaybe blogger isn't the most user friendly but word verification may have nobler uses, as hinted here:
It can be annoying, true, and in some cases, like poetry blogs even redundant. Still, unless somebody comes up with a brighter idea, capthcas are the standard for now.
you all have a nice week
I fully agree. I have neither.
ReplyDeletePaul, I am honoured by your visit. I know how difficult it is for you to do so.
ReplyDeleteI will teach you maths via email, ok?
@ gautami: are you into math??
ReplyDeleteadd me too...gautami.
ReplyDeleteHear! Hear!
ReplyDeleteSeems after I blogged about it, I am seeing similar echoes around the internet.
Off with it, I say.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The button is a great idea!
Great idea!
ReplyDeletefooood fight?!!!!
ReplyDeleteim a peace mode now...lets all be nice to each other. Bt i mean...i will always take Gautami's side. :D
LOVE your post. Joining with you all...great post!
ReplyDeleteI hate word verification also. But I have comment moderation on due to the subject matter of my blog. I don't want any (real) pervs commenting on my blog. Of course, I guess I could always just delete. Hmmmm...might consider it.
ReplyDeleteI find deleting the few spams I get a lot less work than trying to figure out the words in word verification! I'm with you 100%!
ReplyDeleteHmmm. You have given me something to contemplate. Not sure I am willing to embrace the freedom movement just yet, but I'll keep you posted.
ReplyDeletehmmm... I don't even know if I have word verification on mine. I'll check - I don't really care. I think Blogger has it on as default.
ReplyDeleteOops. My last comment just got "moderated." What gives? Was that not part of the sermon?
ReplyDeleteHi, Gautami... you have given me something to think about. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your post.
i find it vastly entertaining when the word verification reflects the tone of my post... once i commented on something that had to do with sex, and the verification word was BLUSH.
A teapot tempest.
ReplyDeleteI do not use moderation or word verification either.
But in some cases, especially Captcha, your typing is not useless.
You are actually verifying words in the global effort to digitize books and make them available free to all.
I turned off my Word Verification for comments. They are kind of annoying, I agree. I never really got many SPAM comments, don't know why I turned it on :-)
ReplyDeleteI think I'll do that for all my blogs. I think of word verification as a form of protection from spam but now I think it's getting annoying especially those sites with word verifications which I cannot make out the letters/numbers and is reduced to repeating my comments...
ReplyDeleteI can't remember if I have it or not, lol! But I do know that I used to get spam and it was annoying because I had better things to do with my limited time than clean it up. So while I appreciate the annoyance word verification can be, I also understand those who feel they need it.