Monday 28 August 2006

Just few broken lines

Will it get us anywhere?

Blame game;
Why start all that?

Only pulls us down.

Push it away,
I want positive force;
to be completely filled by it,
no matter what...

This is no poetry. Only I was thinking aloud about something someone wrote in a blog. Isn't it easy to preach others? If we take difference of opinion as opposing then all of us we have a lot to learn. I include myself in there too. Becos no one individual is more or no one individual is any less. We have our different perceptions, different interpretations. Opposing does not mean we become adversaries. We can still be acquaintances while thinking diametrically. We seldom apply the same rules for ourselves.

Negative energy can only destroy us. I am filling myself with positive energy. The net is a very big place. We can all survive without getting into each others toes....We need not even acknowledge each other if we don't want to.

Kind of prose written in broken lines. Scattered....


  1. Gautami...The words don't matter when the heart speaks. Blessings to you.

  2. Yes are the one who only reinforces positive energy into us.

    I am learning a lot from you.
