In the last two-three years, I have had one accident or the other. Maybe I have lost my sense of gravity, or I am absent minded. I have had a bad back, dislocated my right elbow and two months ago, Jan 2008, I almost dislocated my left elbow when my chair toppled over in school. No broken bones but I still have a bit of pain. And the elbow I had dislocated in July 2006, that too in school, is now very strong. I religiously followed my physiotherapy and some more and it sorted itself out. I think my writing on the blackboard helped as the sweeping movements of the duster exercised my arm fully well. When I told my physiotherapist that, he was mighty pleased and I have a whole arm, straight and as good as the old one.
But the worst one was when I had to swerve my car to avoid a cyclist and hit it hard on the pavement. That particular pavement is built a bit higher and my car was total wreck but I and my nephew, who was 17 then, were unhurt. Saved by the seatbelts, as they say. The cyclist escaped and he did not stop to look back, either. I was relieved that he was ok. Now, my main concern was my nephew. I was responsible for him and if anything had happened to him, I would have killed myself. I am not joking. For days, weeks, months, I used to get up at night thinking of the worst. It was so bad that I do not drive any more. I still thank God that my nephew is ok. He has forgotten the episode but I have not.
Having said that I must mention, I never give up on anything. I always see the brighter sides of things. I do not let dark thoughts, dark memories rule me. I pick myself up, dust and move along. I do look back, learning from the mistakes but brood or dwell, no.
And that means, I am going to get back to driving and soon ... :-)
I have a simple outlook on life. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to work.
Perseverance is where it's at.
ReplyDeleteSure enough, you've had a rash of injuries and near trauma! Nice post and glad to hear you are still motivated to keep on keepin' on!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you don't let setbacks deter you. :)And you look on the bright side. Encouraging!
ReplyDeleteInsha' Allah, Gautami. I had a pretty bad car wreck a little over a year ago while driving a taxi cab. 2 of my passengers were injured, but recovered well. Driving was difficult for me when I first got back to it, and I had to avoid that intersection for a bit, until I regained my confidence.
ReplyDeleteAn accident is very unsettling. My husband had a serious motorbike accident a year ago where he nearly died. He has lost his nerve to ever ride a bike again and it is only recently that he has been comfortable with getting in a car. Take your time with driving and it will come. All the best.
ReplyDeleteglad to know you're ok
ReplyDeletedrive when you feel ready - not before
I had a very bad accident many years ago. The best thing my family did was to insist that I get back in the car and drive again, but it took years before I could pass that intersection without breaking out in a cold sweat.
ReplyDeleteOnward and upward, for we really have no choice, do we?
i think the best therapy is to go out and do it.
ReplyDeletei had a traffic accident a while ago... nobody was hurt but the car was wrecked. i had to get home from where it happened so i sat in another car and drove home two days from the accident. i was terribly afraid at first but then almost enjoyed the drive again.
Accidents can so seriously drain self confidence but don't rush back into driving until you're really ready.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin got in a roll-over car accident when her car hydroplaned. She drives but she's never comfortable driving when it's raining.
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling.I'm paranoid about driving--other people's driving--and am just frantic if I have to ride and not drive. Even an accident I had last year didn't cure me. (A car lost control and came into my lane clipping me on the left rear tire and totaling my van)I try to be brave, but it is so much easier said than done. Courage.
ReplyDeleteits good to not give up..
ReplyDeletegood for you! get back on the horse as they say! I know how you feel though, scary things do that to people!
ReplyDeletei can understand your post... i had a rash of accidents that came outta nowhere... sliding in the snow hit the center divider on a freeway facing oncoming traffic... thought i was gonna die... then a few more not as serious.. no trains around these parts so i had to get back in the truck and drive... of course, i drove but now slower... it is true yes, i too picked myself up and continued on... it was a good day... thank you for a great post!!
ReplyDeleteRoll on! Glad to see you are persevering! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments at Nickers and Ink!
admirable. I would have a more difficult time. nice to have role models :-)