Tuesday, 8 November 2005

Day and night

Day and night
two sides of life.
Day refreshes,
night rejuvenates

I drink on life
in the brightness
of the day.
And ponder over it
in the darkness
of the night


  1. I drink on life
    in the brightness
    of the day.
    And ponder over it
    in the darkness
    of the night

    There is something so haunting and mysterious about this part. Can't put a finger on it but I like it!

    Muchos Gracias for your comments :) I took the liberty to adding you to my "Watched Blogs" list. Hope it's all cool with you. Keep up the good work.

  2. I feel this one...I live my life and then sit up all night reliving it. Trying to figure out what I could have done better.

  3. Applause !

    The best line was -
    "I drink on life in the brightness of the day." - Awesome....

  4. Thanks fauzan. It was spur of a moment writing!

    No I don't mind you adding me to your Watched list!

    Deb: Thanks for relating to it. But learning from our mistakes is what life is all about.

    just a human: Thanks for the applause.

  5. Nice, Gautami!

    I like the positive 'use' [damn, don't like this word] of both the day and night...

    May you stay high on life. :)

  6. xcellent imagery..am moved

  7. Thanks Preeti.

    Why do we always think of Day as positive and night nagative? Hence I wrote this in a positive note for both. I feel that way.

  8. Φ , Thanx. Just plain simple verse!
