Wednesday, 11 February 2009


rabble of words
disarrayed thoughts

rays disappear
from the sun
darkening the sky

sky is almost bereft
of stars, clouds
hide it from view

hidden view conjures
up images
of mystical creatures

disarrayed creatures
somehow validate
those rabble of words

"within our mind each single thought is valid"


  1. I don't think this was your intent, but I got a picture of a paranoid person in this. I recently had a very strange conversation with someone who I think must have paranoia, and it was clear that her mind went through a cycle very similar to what you've described here. In the end, the thoughts themselves created this odd logical circle. It was one of the strangest, most frustrating conversations I've ever had.

  2. I had to go back and read the title, I thought of the full moon and the fantasies of what comes out as a result of a full moon.
    "Mysticism" is the perfect title.
    Good images.

  3. Loop-de-loop. This circular and far reaching chain takes one on a mystical ride. Nice.

  4. Cleverly done at the end, there.

  5. Gautami, I love your blog's tagline, "Poetry for me is a way of living, it comes out of nowhere and I have to write it down. Dissect it if you must...just don't expect me to explain it to you.... interpret it how you want to, wish to...."

    I come from a tradition dating to Baruch Spinoza, so while I like to interpret, I also like to enjoy the visceral power and presence of objects, like your poem.

    I very much enjoyed your contribution.

  6. I liked the circular nature of it, how each stanza fed into the next. Overall it felt sort of like a daydream, the kind you have looking out the window during a boring class.

  7. love how you bring this poem back to the beginning!

    sky is almost bereft
    of stars, clouds
    hide it from view

    excellent lines!

  8. Fantastic!! Your writing never fails to inspire me. Thanks for reading my first 3WW post!

  9. You are so talented. I so enjoy your 3WW's!

  10. Very clever how you brought the words back in again at the end. A pattern with words.

  11. and the circle continues...
    love this

  12. luv the description of one's thoughts and how they wind through a day...a moment...regardless of validity it exists...

  13. A circular poem that leads you back to the beginning....I loved your train of thought!

  14. hidden view conjures
    up images
    Thoughts are constantly creating.

  15. Woah!! that was nice..
    Life indeed is a circle!
