Monday 3 July 2006

Haiku----Looking down

me perched up here
the world is my oyster now
will i find honey


  1. If you (a cornered bear) were in Canada you would be tranquilized by the local authorities and probably break your neck during the fall from the tree.

    Your coat would then be shipped to England to become a decorative hat atop one of the Beefeaters outside of Buckingham Palace.

  2. Homo true. I know what you mean.

    Lovely poem and picture, Gautami.

  3. So simple, worth pondering...will I get what I risked life and limb coming up here to find?

  4. I know what you mean, homo.

    In India too, there is lot of poaching. In some forests its so rampamt with the connivance of the govt officials.

    Thanks don and within, without!
