Sunday, 30 June 2013

A Solitary Reaper Retold

I toil in the meadow
a solitary figure
in that lane
I walk miles
not fearing the wild bear
which comes from that other side of bridge
what it is looking for I wouldn't know
that bear is as lonely as I am
I may seem fragile and unstable
but I have enough insight to survive
I will rest on a rock for a while
before I retreat to my island of peace
that bend you see is what I am seeking
in no time I will fly away like fallen bird
he knows his place is the sky

"the clouds will touch my feet in no time
persuading me to go with them"


  1. I often retreat to my private island.

  2. 38This is lovely and insightful!

  3. This is exactly how I feel right now! You captured the feeling perfectly!

  4. a really nice ekphrastic poem

    much love...

  5. Very pretty write, Gautami. Excellent use of the words.


  6. Lovely poem Gautami! The mood and style is beautifully written, with great depth!

  7. OMG, kiddo, this is so beautiful. And that bird! who "knows his place is the sky". Wow. Loved it.

  8. I toil in the meadow...interesting image. So is bear is as lonely as I am and fallen bird he knows his place is the sky. Fine wordle.

  9. Love the bear idea! he would be out scavenging for berries! tingling-

  10. I love the image of the fallen bird..and how it knows it belongs to the sky. Lovely work.

  11. interesting take on the solitary reaper :)
    I liked this..

  12. I can imagine her walking and allowing those thoughts enter her mind to make the journey quicker and to compare herself with life all around her. It is so easy to do alone, to commune with nature.

  13. Like how her thoughts keep racing into her mind in all that solitude!! A lonely figure indeed but making the best of life on earth and so well prepared for all else thereafter!!

  14. lovely insight into her world Gautami.

  15. Gautami, It is wonderfully retold I must say. Loved your poetry.

  16. A bear may be a good metaphor for doom and gloom, but I think real bears inhabit a landscape far different from the one in this photo...

  17. The picture perfectly depicted but somehow I got the feeling you were taking a spiritual view and depicting the journey of life.
    Very nicely done.

    Dropping by from OSI
