Sunday, 26 November 2006

Fairs and Exhibitions...Part I

As soon as November starts we have all kinds of fairs in Delhi at one part or the other. I mostly avoid going to the more popular ones. I trudge along to book fairs or those exhibitions holding some kind of creative activities. I find few takers for those. Hence I go alone. That's a good thing too. No one is hurrying me to rush back. So I just move about in my own pace savoring my own company. Some times we do need to do things our own way. Browsing books is one such activity. I simply forget the time while I am doing that.

I like going to art museums...paintings, scupltures etc etc. I try to decipher the mind of the artist. At times it is crystal clear and at others it is as indecipherable as it can be. But that does not bother me at all. In a way it gives me much to think about. I am a thinking person. I need constant food for my mind.

I like those exhibitions which satisfy my inner hunger. Though they can never fulfil it. Not in the way I want it to be. I am always wanting something. Nothing to do with material things. I can't explain it...

(to be contd)


  1. Last September, I was in Delhi and went to the 'Delhi Haat'. Shopped for some "taant" sarees from Bengal, some camel-leather purses for my niece and hogged on loads of Rajasthani food! Been there lately Gautami?

  2. If we don't feed the mind the light in the eyes goes out.

  3. Kranti, infact I was there this sunday. That triggered me into writing this. Will write my experiences in part 2.

    pat, yes. We can't live with a dead mind.

  4. You are a curious person as am I and that's what keeps us going. You can never acquire enough wisdom..although I seem to have stockpiled too much information!...but anyway I still want to know why humans choose to ignore all of the history and advancements that we have made in the last 200 years and continue to live like we did in the Dark Ages?!?!?
    What is the point of developing this incredible 3 lb. organ separating our ears if we don't use it?
    I would always go crazy at book fairs until I realised that I never actually got around to reading them..most of them are dust collectors on shelves..I want to read them all..but I don't have I am waiting for people like you to tell me what you have learned about explain LIFE to 500 words or less if possible.

  5. Book stores and art museums are two of my most favorite places to spend any free time I have!
    Last time I ventured out to a book store, I was there over 3 hours...
    just browsing...and that was not enough time for me!

    Hope you are having a great day!


  6. i can relate to that. don't visit often enough, though...

  7. Do you go alone or with someone? Book Fairs are the best. I don't always buy but the children do. It's been a long time since I have been to a museum. It was at the Met in New York several years ago.

  8. homo escapeans: Glad that you finally got here after SO long. I can't help it. I have to know it all but I haven't attained that state and never will. You put a good question. I will answer it in a post. You have given me much to think about. So I will take on your offer and try to answer it as well as I can. So do look out for a separate post for this.

    Who knows I might resort to poetry!

  9. Margie: I simply get lost in there forgetting time and everything else. Once I forgot to eat! When I got back I was raveneously hungry!

    Polona: It is fun for me. Not for anyone who accompanies me.

    ces: I prefer to go alone. But if my youngest niece asks, I take her along. She is kind of following my footsteps. There is a difference when I take her with me. I have to keep a watch on her. But I like that responsibility too.
