Monday, 1 May 2006

Destination Unknown

What do I seek?
How do I seek?
Why do I seek?
Do I really know?
Will I ever know?

Maybe yes, maybe no
But I have to try……

Where do I go from here?
How do I go from here?
Why do I go from here?
Do I really know?
Will I ever know?

Maybe yes, maybe no
But I have to try……

What I am
is not what I am.
Only when I go seek
I find myself.
Will I ever do that?
Will I find myself?

Maybe yes, maybe no
But I have to try......


  1. HI..

    no body never comes to know what he/she can be untill he/she let set start..

    Dont Give Up If U Still Wanna Try

    Dont Wipe Your Tears If You Still Want To Cry

    Don't Settle For An Answer If You Still Want To Know


  2. lovely one this was about searching and seeking!Trying and not giving up is the key,I feel!
